Greetings Beloved,
As you all know, the southern peninsula of Haiti was devastated with a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. As of yesterday over 3,000 dead and over 6,000 injured. These numbers will rise in the days to come simply because the efforts are still at this time “Search and Rescue” Buildings and even towns were flattened by the power of the quake.
At the same time we were hit by a tropical disturbance, “Grace” which dumped 8″ of water in less than 12 hours in that same area. There were flash floods and mudslides increasing the difficulty of current relief efforts. Our humble church here in Haiti is receiving supplies from our congregation and sending those supplies, small as they are, to affected families. At the same time we Fishers of Men Ministries is activating a much larger plan to send aid.
We have two established churches in this area. One church was spared and one collapsed along with that pastor’s home. We will use both of these pastors to oversee distribution of food, water, tarps and tents. I just ordered a 40 ft. Container of food. I’m awaiting shipping instructions as I’m writing. I’m thinking we need to go ahead and order the second container once we secure the first. The food is free, provided by Feeding The Nations, but shipping and clearing the container in customs is up to us. This will generally run about $7,000 per container. In addition to food, we need to ship Tarps , tents, cases of bottled water, and good used clothing.
First, If our Lord lays it on your heart, send a donation. You can either mail a check made out to Fishers of Men Ministries, earmarked “Quake” or go to our website and send it on PayPal. Addresses below:
Fishers of Men Ministries
P.O. Box 410953
Melbourne, Fl 32941
Web site: for PayPal
Second: Maybe your church or organization would consider doing a Clothing drive, and a Tarp drive. Please ask that used clothing be in very good shape. Also light blankets. Tarps along with small tents. I’d like to find the tarps by the case and tents by the dozens.
Third: Bottled Water will be purchased through donations here in Melbourne Fl. and even in Haiti. Unfortunately, the bottling companies in Haiti will struggle with the need.
Once again, God is calling us to lend a hand to suffering people. The Haitian people for the most part are humble, hard-working, wonderful people. Please keep Haiti in your prayers as we work through this natural disaster.

OTHER NEWS FROM THE MINISTRY In the midst of all this turmoil
Morning Star Christian Academy opened for the 2021-2022 Academic year, Monday, August 16. We press forward touching students with the presence of our Lord along with the Word of God. Pray for Morning Star as we make every effort to give these students a stable atmosphere to grow and learn..
Thank you to all of you who support Fishers of Men Ministries here in the Nation of Haiti.
Until the Nets are Full,
Pastors Jay & Linda Threadgill